ABPmer, THA Aquatic to provide HRA for Welsh Marine Plan

ABPmer supported by THA Aquatic, has been commissioned to undertake a detailed Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the proposed tidal lagoon safeguarding policy within the Welsh Government Marine Plan, focusing on fish and marine habitats.  

The Welsh Government is developing the first national Marine Plan for Wales. As part of this process it must make a high level assessment of the plan to ensure no adverse impact occurs to protected species or habitats within designated European Marine Sites.

Natalie Frost, Head of Planning and Licensing at ABPmer said: “We are delighted to be asked to provide specialist input to the Welsh Marine Plan process.

“As the purpose of marine planning is to ensure the sustainable use of our seas it is important to identify and assess the potential impacts of proposed policies on the integrity of any European Marine Site.”

ABPmer will lead the assessment with THA Aquatic providing the fisheries focus of the HRA.

The assessment and associated report will be considered as part of the wider HRA process and the conclusions reviewed by AMEC as part of the Plan-level HRA of the Welsh National Marine Plan as a whole.

It is the intention to make all reports available during the formal consultation on the draft WNMP when comments will also be invited on the plan-level HRA.

The consultation is expected take place in November.