AW-Energy to present WaveRoller progress at CEM8

The Chief Executive of the Finnish wave energy developer AW-Energy, John Liljelund, will give a presentation on wave energy during the eighth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8).

Liljelund will also speak about AW-Energy’s wave energy device WaveRoller and its potential at the new CEM8 Innovation Theater event on June 7, 2017, in Beijing, China.

The Innovation Theatre is a new event, modeled after TED Talks, to showcase new and emerging clean energy innovations. The goal of the event is to generate excitement and interest, and to provide a platform for financial investors to connect with innovation leaders.

In addition, a miniature of the WaveRoller device, built with LEGO bricks is set to showcase the pioneering innovation and represent green energy technology at the CEM8 Clean Energy Technology Exhibition’s European Union exhibition stand.

The LEGO miniature along with information of the ready for commercial roll-out device is expected to raise awareness and generate interest in the clean and scalable wave energy solution.

The exhibition brings together companies and organizations from around the world showcasing their innovative clean energy technologies, products and business models.

John Liljelund said: “We are honored to cooperate with the EU Commission in this exhibition. Wave energy is the largest untapped resource of renewable energy and as such should get all the attention possible. The good news is the change is already underway as the first commercial WaveRoller projects are currently developed in Asia, Europe as well as the Americas.”

CEM is a partnership of 24 of the world’s largest economies and the European Union working together to accelerate the global transition to clean energy.

This year, CEM8 will be co-located with the Second Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-2). The event will take place in Beijing from June 6 to 8, 2017.

While the CEM will focus on scaling the deployment of clean energy technologies and solutions that are available today, MI will focus on scaling research and development for the new technologies of the future.