Top news, April 27 – May 3, 2015

Tidal Energy Today Staff has compiled the top news from tidal and wave energy industry from April 27 – May 3, 2015.

Atlantis-acquires-Siemens’-Marine-Current-Turbines-1024x683Atlantis acquires Siemens’ Marine Current Turbines

Atlantis has acquired Marine Current Turbines (MCT) from Siemens in an all share deal. The acquisition includes seabed rights, existing projects, staff and intellectual property. With this contract, Atlantis has added six projects expanding its operations to Wales, Northern Ireland and Southern England and increased the company’s project development capacity to nearly 600 MW.

Nova-Scotia-introduces-tidal-legislationNova Scotia introduces tidal legislation

Government of Nova Scotia has introduced a new legislation for marine renewable energy projects that is expected to increase consultation and provide for the safe, responsible and strategic development of the industry. The act governs the development of marine renewable energy resources including waves, tidal range, in-stream tidal, ocean currents, and offshore wind in designated areas offshore Nova Scotia.

US-Energy-Department-USD-10.5-mln-for-marine-energy-systemsUS Energy Department: USD 10.5 mln for marine energy systems

The Energy Department has announced USD 10.5 million in available funding to support the design and operation of innovative marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) systems through survivability and reliability-related testing of these systems.


Turbines-production-for-Paimpol-Bréhat-project-kicks-offTurbines production for Paimpol-Bréhat project kicks-off

DCNS, through its subsidiary OpenHydro, is working with EDF to install two 16 metre in diameter turbines as part of Paimpol-Bréhat project. Each turbine will produce 500 kW of electricity. The construction of tidal turbines has started, and the turbines are expected to be grid-connected before the end of 2015.  The experimental tidal array will allow DCNS to validate the operation of two turbines connected to the power grid.


Tidal Energy Today Staff