Carnegie to connect desalination plant to CETO system
Carnegie Wave has announced that its desalination plant on Garden Island has been commissioned off electricity in advance to its connection to CETO system.
After it’s connected to the CETO system, it will be powered by hydraulic energy from Carnegie’s CETO wave units, to produce fresh water from salt water.
Carnegie is powering the desalination plant using conventional electricity to provide benchmark data for comparison with the wave energy desalination process.
The fresh water produced from the plant was submitted for testing to confirm the water produces from the plant meets Department of Health guidelines.
Carnegie has received two grant payments of approximately USD 150.000 in total, as part of USD 992.800 AusIndustry, the Government’s grant provided for supporting the design, construction and operation of CETO powered desalination pilot plant.
Carnegie has recently connected CETO wave power plant to the grid, making it the only wave power plant anywhere in the world operating multiple wave units.
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Image: Carnegie Wave